MOD Description: This MOD changes the percentage next to a vote resultbar to a dropdownlist showing the percentage and the users who voted for that option.
If the total of votes is different to the number of voters, this is shown as the last item in the list with "<> #nr" wher nr is the difference.
This MOD has been made for phpBB 3 RC4 and has no limitations, ie everyone that may see the poll results will also see who voted for which option.
ÖFFNE viewtopic.php
Code: Alles auswählen
$poll_info[$i]['poll_option_text'] = bbcode_nl2br($poll_info[$i]['poll_option_text']);
$poll_info[$i]['poll_option_text'] = smiley_text($poll_info[$i]['poll_option_text']);
Code: Alles auswählen
/* Begin 'Show voters' MOD by Ernst Vaarties */
$sql_voters = '
SELECT username, vote_user_id, user_colour
WHERE topic_id = ' . $topic_id . '
AND poll_option_id = ' . $poll_info[$i]['poll_option_id'] . '
AND ' . POLL_VOTES_TABLE . '.vote_user_id = ' . USERS_TABLE . '.user_id
ORDER BY username ASC, vote_user_id ASC';
$results_voters = $db->sql_query($sql_voters);
$voters_total = 0;
$voters_string = "";
// Add all voters to a string.
while ($row_voters = $db->sql_fetchrow($results_voters))
$voters_total = $voters_total + 1;
$voters_string = $voters_string . ", " . get_username_string('full', $row_voters['vote_user_id'], $row_voters['username'], $row_voters['user_colour'], $row_voters['username']);
// Is the total nr of voters <> the nr of votes for the poll? Add this to the same string.
if ($voters_total <> $poll_info[$i]['poll_option_total'])
$voters_string = $voters_string . ", <> " . ($poll_info[$i]['poll_option_total'] - $voters_total);
$voters_string = ltrim($voters_string, ", ");
// Add the string to the list.
$poll_info[$i]['poll_option_voters'] = $voters_string;
/* End 'Show voters' MOD by Ernst Vaarties */
Code: Alles auswählen
'POLL_OPTION_VOTED' => (in_array($poll_option['poll_option_id'], $cur_voted_id)) ? true : false)
Code: Alles auswählen
'POLL_OPTION_VOTERS' => $poll_option['poll_option_voters'],
Code: Alles auswählen
<!-- ELSE -->{poll_option.POLL_OPTION_PERCENT}<!-- ENDIF -->
Code: Alles auswählen
<!-- ELSE -->
<!-- IF not S_CAN_VOTE--><dt> </dt><!-- ENDIF -->
<dd class="resultbar">
<!-- ENDIF -->